What’s the Next Move? by NC Scout

by NC Scout / americanpartisan.org

By anyone’s estimation the war in Ukraine has largely ground to a halt. Despite some of the most flagrantly bad analysis by ‘military experts’ since the invasion of Iraq, the Russian Army has exhibited re-learning a number of battlefield realities they’ve apparently had to learn repeatedly since WWII. Looking at the three pronged invasion of Ukraine through a military combined arms maneuver lens alone, it would appear they have not performed to expectation. As compared to the American experience in both invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan – the latter being a major logistical challenge alone – this would be correct. Analysts must also take into account that this war is an opening salvo in a much larger strategy, aimed at ending the unipolar world economic order centered on the US.

Much of the poor analysis on part of the west owes to historical US propaganda concerning the old Soviet Union and, as a byproduct, a complete ignorance of the reality of the situation in Ukraine. Much of eastern Ukraine considers themselves ethnically Russian or at least has cultural ties, and the pre-Tsar history of Russia originates in Kiev (NOT ‘Kyiv’, and one would do well to learn why that’s a critical difference). For this reason the Russians did not seek a total war on the people of Eastern Ukraine, have not sought to indiscriminately target critical infrastructure and have not resorted to leveling city blocks as they did in the first and second occupations of Grozny. It is a strategy with a major cost in personnel Russia appears willing to absorb, interpreted by the emotionally-driven west as a military shortcoming and inexplicably credit themselves as somehow victors for what is a Ukrainian operation. In some cases, perhaps so. But this is an extremely dangerous series of assumptions on part of a military that just self immolated in its pullout of Afghanistan.

Contrary to popular belief among the 50+ crowd, the Russian Federation is not the Soviet Union. This is not to say however that they are not an enemy nation, despite the mountain of economic austerity offered to the fledgling nation after the economic collapse in 1992 and following brief civil war, leading to the remnants of the Soviet Army firing on their White House. Despite the repeated offerings of peace in an effort of economic parity, the hand was consistently smacked away as NATO migrated eastward, culminating in the brief 2008 occupation of Georgia. A country, by the way, where we trained the future leadership of ISIS. The exposure of so-called western run and funded ‘biolabs’ was simply icing on the cake and the message is clear – Russia is an adversary to the economic order, plain and simple. And they have responded in kind, first in Ukraine. But it will not end there.

Russia and China have now been placed on a path of formalizing allegiances, overcoming the Sino-Soviet split exploited by Kissinger. This places the US in a highly precarious position, having exported all of its manufacturing capability in an effort to exploit cheap labor, policy makers predictably were short sighted in strategy, seeking only near-term profit margins, not considering the long term damage to the Nation. Given the levels of internal political corruption that can now no longer be ignored, the world community sees the US as nothing more than an annoyance too unstable for its own good. Partner with the US and they’ll turn their backs in a decade, or sooner, without warning. It is a condition China has gleefully exploited to the fullest, and they’re just beginning. India is willing to overlook a longtime border dispute and efforts to destabilize them through the Naxal terrorists to seek ties with China. The writing is on the wall, and it spells Belt and Road.

In South America, Africa, and into southern Europe the economic influence of Belt and Road has signaled a new economic order challenging the ‘New World Order’ of Brzezinski and Kissinger to which Presidents Bush and Biden both mentioned by name. This Belt and Road initiative, as all economics do, has been followed by military aid and partnerships in those aforementioned continents, rapidly displacing any influence the US may have enjoyed. The invasion of Ukraine represents a beginning of the end to US economic hegemony, no matter how many yellow and blue flags mouth-breathing liberals ironically fly beside Palestinian ones. The humor of virtue signaling will not be as funny when the fate of fools becomes fully realized.

Russia has been steadily making moves exploiting the very same failures of the west alongside their Chinese counterparts. While we were distracted with pointless wars enriching the political donor class on both sides of the aisle, old Soviet proxies found themselves once more in the halls of power in South and Central America, even lauded by idiot mouthpieces sympathetic to leftist causes, such as Obama dancing with Kirchner or DiBlasio and Sanders praising Daniel Ortega’s return to power. These leaders want the US dethroned as much in 2022 as they ever did, and now they have a stronger friend than back in the glory days of Soviet hegemony. Venezuela is manufacturing arms and equipment, while signaling a possible future invasion on US ally Colombia, and both Russia and China have fully backed this move. The response? The US asks Venezuela for oil. It looks desperate on part of the US, because it is.

Just to the north we have Cuba, still under the larger hegemony of the old Soviet order, having their debts cancelled by the Russian Federation in exchange for formally re-opening the Lourdes Signals Intelligence Station. In my assessment several years ago, this joint Russian and Chinese station’s role is to position new intermediate nuclear missiles. Russia suspended the intermediate nuclear forces treaty banning the development of short range nuclear payloads based on their open violations, and no new deal was sought. They didn’t want a new deal, plain and simple.

The 3M-54 Kaliber missile, the latest in Russian intermediate ‘cruise’ missile development, has now been fielded in the southern hemisphere for at least four years at a minimum, and with formal ties now in the majority of the continent, can be positioned with little if any pushback. Who’s going to do it? Big bad Uncle Sam? What will he do, sanction the host countries making the fiat dollar more expensive? Virtue signal? Write a strongly worded condemnation? Already been done and its looking like they’ve figured out a workaround.

This will culminate in the unveiling of weapons just to our south as a final blow to American foreign policy abroad. As Ukraine approaches a negotiated settlement with NATO reaching its diplomatic Waterloo, the attention will be turned to our South. Good thing the border is secure. Despite what foolish pundits, late for their tee time and overpaid for their worthless opinions may say, the Russian conventional force success or failure bears little analog to the running of a well trained proxy army with the goal of destabilizing the US. Even if that budding insurgency can be defeated, that leaves the presence of their outside support – the strategy from the south Che Guevara told anyone willing to listen.

Its the Cuban missile crisis all over again, with the US in an insurmountably weaker position than 1962. No more can we pull our weapons from Turkey to diffuse the situation – that ship sailed. We do not have the manufacturing clout that won the second world war, the underlying culture which rode that tide, nor the leadership with the will to win. What America has is cultural rot, ineffectual and corrupt leaders, a society of mentally ill and over-medicated lunatics that are too visible to hide, rather, cheerleaded as ‘heroes. The world sees it for what it is. Dangerous weakness, nuclear armed, led by a demented reprobate, too unstable to ignore.

Compounding this is a growing list of shortages, namely food and energy production, to which the lone answer is ‘eat bugs’ or ‘buy electric’, the modern equivalent of ‘let them eat cake’. It creates the conditions of revolution, which, as Jefferson would quip, may not be a bad thing every now and then. A government by the people is accountable to the people at some point. And that lack of accountability fomented through complacency has put blood in the water for the nation’s enemies. It is a long strategy employed, designed to surround and isolate an increasingly weak US from a world weary of its so-called leadership. And a sober look internally, who can blame them?

So what comes next? The answer should be clear. While the larger die appears cast, how you respond is up to you. What you do today for the coming storm will certainly benefit you in the coming days. Use the warning wisely.

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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at [email protected] or via his blog at brushbeater.wordpress.com .


  1. Hawkeye March 29, 2022 at 11:35

    Grand slam home run…

  2. James Carpenter aka "Felix" March 29, 2022 at 11:39

    Outstanding write-up. The factual basis’ and logic are unassailable.
    Which is emblematic of why AP is a growing concern. In a desert of lies, wellsprings of truth are appreciated for what they are – destination spots for those who wish to survive and pass their freedom’s blessing on to another generation.

  3. Scipio March 29, 2022 at 11:42

    This is probably the best assessment I have read of the winds of change sweeping the world and taking the Empire of Lies with it. Your breadth of understanding the underling historical forces influencing the contemporary world and the current generational tectonic forces at work is breath taking. I hope more people’s eyes will be open to prepare for the tidal wave of destruction and displacement coming to them soon.

    • boss21 March 29, 2022 at 12:25

      Excellent article. The USA might be in a down phase but your article proves we have a reservoir of manly thinkers and doers to rebuild when these 20th century relics die out. A Russian in 1991 was a hopeless specimen too, but they clawed back. Sound money and honest work for starters. Shared struggle will wash away many fake divisions and frivolity.

  4. Randolph Scott March 29, 2022 at 11:58

    The United States is FUBAR. The USA will not last much longer with loser joe in office and the magic negro calling the shots.

  5. Dick March 29, 2022 at 12:02

    At the risk of being called a wet blanket (again)…

    Most of the audience is likely to respond by rushing to the flawed “stock as needed” supermarket to buy up the last of the kool-aid and aluminum foil. No one’s doing anything useful with the warning.

    We’re driving the train, but we’re still letting the guys laying the track decide our fate. We spend a lot of time talking about defending ourselves against tyranny. News flash…you’ve been under tyrannical rule for almost a century. We’re all busy crying about the freedoms we’ve lost, but we’re all so afraid of losing our job and defaulting on our mortgage, that we just keep letting them walk all over us.

    The time to stand up has come and gone, my friends. We missed the boat. Anything you do now is tantamount to suicide. Being a martyr only works if the folks remembering your actions aren’t convinced by the MSM that you were just some violent extremist criminal.

    • FoolsErrand March 29, 2022 at 15:17

      So, what is your solution?

      • DirtNasty March 29, 2022 at 16:16

        Eh? Don’t mind him, he is just being a Dick. ;)

      • Ghostmann March 29, 2022 at 17:06

        FE, that individual’s job is to sow discord and blackpill people. Nothing more, nothing less.

    • Madman Actual March 29, 2022 at 19:48

      If you’d like to learn how to fight a war and not a haphazard battle with no Recovery, stay and be productive. If you are here to be motivated because you’ve lost hope, Parachutin Frogman makes a post every Friday just for that. https://www.americanpartisan.org/2022/03/incoming-good-news-report-25mar22/

      No Trolls Allowed

  6. Paulo March 29, 2022 at 12:08

    Good summary of situation NCScout, gracias.

    A couple of months ago camped out for a couple of days very close to here:
    HM69 Nike Missile Base

    Slept with Platoon in one of the bunkers there back in the
    early 80’s after active duty then active reserves.

    Also, back in the early 60’s was in that place 90 miles away too
    while Family trying to get the heck out of Dodge…

    Eyes Right and “Seek His Kingdom and His Righteousness”…

  7. Ghostmann March 29, 2022 at 12:16


    India is dropping the dollar to trade with Russia.

    De-dollarizarion is starting to pick up steam.

    • NC Scout March 29, 2022 at 12:18

      This is a very, very big deal.

    • wwes March 29, 2022 at 12:26

      There will be plenty more countries jumping in line right behind them to ditch the dollar. The shit is going to get very deep for the US quickly.

      • Ghostmann March 29, 2022 at 12:32

        When the Saudis do so we go Zimbabwe.

        • MN Steel March 29, 2022 at 14:00


          Gold spot was $1940 when this was announced.

          The dollar has effectively been devalued another 20% overnight, unless a dollar backed by spreading degeneracy and corruption is preferred to gold.

          I’m not an economist, but I hope nobody relies on any imported goods to sustain life.

          • FoolsErrand March 29, 2022 at 15:13

            Have you seen who supplies many of our life-sustaining medications?

    • FoolsErrand March 29, 2022 at 15:25

      The decoupling from the petrodollar is the big haymaker. Does a move by various entities to divest from dollar-denominated investment instruments look like a step in that process too?

  8. Encouraging Angels March 29, 2022 at 12:46

    This is a tremendous write up of a tremendously situation for the US. It’s like playing chess when the other guy is just one move from checkmate and all you can do is keep moving your long one space just to keep the game going…AP is a treasure

  9. FedzSuk March 29, 2022 at 13:52

    As one of the 50+ crowd I recognize the vast difference between the Soviets and Russia today. Few of us would want to carry the shame of our government’s actions over the last several decades. In fact, many of point to our government as oppressors and have no love lost for the apparatchiks. The Russian people, and Putin’s government, have largely behaved as we should hope some leadership will that might arise as we pull ourselves out of teh inevitable depression. Putin hasn’t been agressive. He has largely held his hand out for peace despite provocation after provocation. They have stood stronger for what we have held as our values over the last 30 years.

    Putin may well bring about an economic restructuring that will defeat ouir thieving banksters. I hope so. It will suck for us for some time but, if he succeeds, my children and grandchildren have hope for a better life. We Americans haven’t summoned the will to resist our tyrants. I am glad Putin has the balls to try.

  10. Madmarc March 29, 2022 at 13:53

    Russia just backed the roubles with gold. Economic separation from the dollar is expanding fast.

  11. Daniel Newby March 29, 2022 at 14:17

    Paper Tigers like Russia and China are only capable of defeating other Paper Tigers. When this all goes, we will be constrained to secure ourselves, quickly secure what remains of our vital infrastructure, and become more than a bad joke. Hopefully the unidentified Irishman’s observation decades ago will be sufficiently prophetic: “…You can depend on Americans to do the right thing when they have exhausted every other possibility.”

    • NC Scout March 29, 2022 at 14:51

      And this accounts for countering belt and road exactly….how?

      This is some of that one dimensional hopium the neocons smoke.

    • boss21 March 29, 2022 at 16:06

      Churchill was Irish? ‘Paper tigers?’. Russia and China are not trying to ‘defeat’ everyone. They are trying to win over everyone with (real) economics and trade , diplomacy and cultural exchange , espionage etc with military action a last resort to be used sparingly. . You know, all the tools that powers have used since forever. We are ruled by infants who think geopolitics is personal.

  12. 240Geezer March 29, 2022 at 15:58

    Any idea when the nukes start raining down? I’d like to have a bourbon in hand and lit cigar in my teeth for that.

  13. DWEEZIL THE WEASEL March 29, 2022 at 19:09

    I never considered RED DAWN (the Swayze/Sheen version) as a documentary. The author of this article is definitely spot on. Even here in Winterfell (North Idaho), the clueless are legion; along with the shambling, texting, slack-jawed, mouth-breathing, vaping, brain-dead Mall Zombies. And if anyone is rootin’ for Putin, they have to STFU. There are a lot of Ukies just across the state line in Inslee Land.
    I am sure TPTB have the debt buck collapse all figured out. It will be a full-on blame-the-Russians propaganda blitz. Then a new, devalued currency will be rolled out with all of the attendant cheerleading by the useful idiots in the MSM and Hollywood. The Sheeple, Normies, and Cucks will all be on board. Armies of snitches from the Karen/Beta Male/Millennial class will finger anyone who is into barter and gold/silver. This was all explained in a very good blogvel by John Galt Shenandoah titled: THE DAY THE DOLLAR DIED. Get ready for a very unpleasant future. Bleib ubrig.

  14. donmako March 30, 2022 at 09:05

    Greetings. Thanks for yer hard work. I am considering hopium. There is a plethora of weird things that just dont add up when ya look at it. But if ya step back. Its like a mosaic. Im thinking white hats are doing good things behind the scenes. We just hafta wake up a critical mass of people to really exact the proper changes needed. And yall know they are drastic and drastically needed. https://diannemarshallreport.com/trump-world-showdown-is-coming-so-prepare/

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