Request for Information (RFI) – Weekly SITREP

I am going to make this a weekly post so that we can use this as a place to make any reports on unusual activity or localized hotspots of trouble. We did this a few times during COVID (here, here, here, and here) but I figured that, as our conditions continue to degrade around the country, it would be useful to bring this back as a regularly recurring topic of discussion.

Post your reports in the comments below.

27 September 2023

General Location: New Jersey

Food Price / Shortages: Raw vegetables have been increasing in price. Canned goods also elevated

Fuel Prices / Shortages: $3.69 – $3.75 gas / $4.60 diesel

Unusual Military Movement: None

Civil Unrest / Crime: Usual petty crime remains higher than normal. The local Home Depot has finally locked up specific merchandise – power tools and their batteries (i.e. Dewalt, Ryobi, Milwaukee, etc), extension cords, wire (like 14 gauge stranded THNN et al), and Ring door cameras. This coincides with reports I have gotten from rural PA where tools are being stolen. Working theory is that illegals are stealing them so that they can use them for handyman jobs to get work and earn money.

Interesting Local News / Events: Have had major red flag warnings for rough surf due to repeated tropical systems off the coast. Just had TS Opehlia swing through – not much wind but a real good soaking of rain with coastal flooding.

Public Service Interruptions: None

Changes in Patterns of Life: None

Any additional observations or comments: The violation of basic simple traffic laws seems to be increasing. Things like turning on red when signs saying no are present, running red lights, etc. Seems to be a deterioration of some driving courtesies.

Large riots in Philadelphia yesterday target Nordstrom, Footlocker, Apple, and others. Much of it was livestreamed.

Looting erupts in Center City, spreads to other parts of Philadelphia; at least 15 arrested

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:


  1. joeanthem53 September 27, 2023 at 10:14


  2. Judah September 27, 2023 at 10:49

    Luke AFB F35’s are back to training.

    • Patriotman September 27, 2023 at 15:24

      Roger that!

  3. Bowdiggity September 27, 2023 at 12:14

    I like this. I’ll take notes and report next week. Even if you don’t submit a report, these are good areas to keep an eye on.

    The only thing off the top of my head for Southeast Georgia is 3rd ID Division Headquarters, 2nd BDE and elements of 3rd Sustainment BDE just deployed to Europe(Poland and Lithuania).

    Here’s a story from the local news. Some insight of conditions and morale.

    • Patriotman September 27, 2023 at 15:24


  4. j. random nobody September 27, 2023 at 13:29

    brief data from southern greece:
    prices of most things are double what they were a year or two ago. fuels continue to hover in the same range for the past most of a year – about 2.20-2.40 EUR/liter for gasoline, about 1.90-2.00/liter for diesel. supermarket prices are continuing to go up a bit at a time, with the pattern emerging being that some item (anything from fruit marmalade to laundry soap to baking soda , whatever) will simply be out of stock for a long while and then reappear at a price about 10% higher than before, maybe a month or so later.
    so far stocks seem to be resupplied, but i’ve noticed a portion, maybe 1/5 or so, of items , which are absent often for a month or two, and a smaller portion, maybe 1/10 or so, which have simply disappeared the past couple years.
    For things like hardware, tools, car parts, spare parts, farm equipment like wire or hose or fittings, etc, all that stuff is prices 50-100% higher than they were a year or two ago and the prices seem to jump with every new shipment that comes in. Down in town last week picking up some odds and ends, i overheard the owner of the hardware store i was in on the phone with someone, saying in a few words what typifies the situation: he said, well, the previous shipment, i could charge X for. i’m expecting a new order of those in a couple weeks but i cant tell you yet what the price will be, but it will probably be (about 10% higher than X) .. stuff that doesnt move quickly and is very old stock – like a file or drill bit , which was stocked 5 years ago – often still has an old price. a different size bit or file etc thats been restocked in the past 6 mo or year, is like double that. once the old box runs out and they order a new one, the prices jump.
    but for all that, ive still been able to find, perhaps with a couple days lag to get something ordered in from the Big City, most any spare parts or whatever.
    most people continue to be clueless and believe the talking heads , like elsewhere. maybe 5% have a clue whats going on and another 5% or so suspect it but continue wishing it wasn’t true/dont want to believe it. there’s a lot of resignation that the whole globohomo agenda is going to keep getting pushed forward whatever people think, and there is almost no concept of resistance or the mental/spiritual awakening that is required to really stand up, and i’d say theres a big (10-20%) demogrphic here that i don’t see in e.g. the states, of normies who seem to understand that it’s a globohomo totalitarian takeover and yet seem nonchalant or else reasigned about it as if it’s already backed in so why go against the flow. there’s very little wokeness here (though lots of wokeness about the illegals flooding in, sadly) but a whole lot of old style 20th century leftist mentality especially re everybody getting free shit from some magic pot of endless public largesse. about 1/4 of the people resisted the kill shot and that’s by and large a good first heuristic for anybody who hasnt got his head up his ass.
    here they fuck with elections in a whole different way than in the US: they simply banned
    the conservative parties and candidates from running in the elections held earlier this year, just like that forbade them to appear on the ballot. (no such thing as a write-in in greece). only approved parties and ‘team players’ are allowed to even appear.
    since that move there’s been even more resignation and attitude of defeat in the air.
    Theyve been big on their ‘climate’ fires deliberately set here too but those in greece always had another dimension: it magically makes land that was illegal to build on, buildable. This only applies to big money projects of course, ordinary people who try that get arrested for arson. but curiously in almost every place a big wildfire burned , this year or last year, large development projects (mainly hotels or wind turbines) started popping up just weeks after the ashes settled. copious local unofficial reports of firefighters being stood down or denied resources or deliberately sent to the wrong place, of citizen volunteers figting fires being harrassed or chased out by cops, and of cops and firefighters themselves telling how it was all on orders from high up..
    generally prepping here is a lot harder than in the states and there are very very few people with a clue. if anyone does make it through, though, he’ll have managed by improvising almost everything imaginable by himself with no help or even companions, so anybody left here in a decade or two will maybe be worthy to stand next to our ancient ancestors again!

    • Patriotman September 27, 2023 at 15:26

      Thanks for the detailed report! It’s nice to see shop owners keeping prices the same on old stock to reduce the hit on the consumer. As for the election piece, I fear they will try to do the same in the coming years with regards to blocking people from the ballot. Trump is their test case.

  5. Aaron Waller September 27, 2023 at 13:44

    I live close to the Anniston Army Depot and BAE systems. Almost daily I see what appear to be freshly overhauled vehicles, Bradley’s, etc headed east on I-20. I assume headed toward savannah.

    • Patriotman September 27, 2023 at 15:27

      I wonder if they are replacing stock we sent to Ukraine or is they are Ukraine bound themselves

  6. mike September 27, 2023 at 20:21

    General Location: Upper New England

    Food Price / Shortages: Prices increasing, no shortages

    Fuel Prices / Shortages: Prices pushing $4 Gal, no shortages

    Unusual Military Movement: No

    Civil Unrest / Crime: Petty crime remains elevated.

    Interesting Local News / Events:

    Regionally the blowback against the illegal alien invasion has been growing and getting more contentious. The phenomenon is going on everywhere, but is presently most heated in Yarmouth Mass where the state is trying to house migrants in local hotels against local zoning. This particular case has heavy media coverage.

    Public Service Interruptions: None

    Changes in Patterns of Life:
    The homeless crisis and the associated illegal invasion is beginning to dominate local government agendas and is leading the broadcast news nearly every day.. Liberal city politicians seem to be convinced that they can build enough shelters at taxpayer expense to solve the problem.

    Increasing recreational marijuana use in public and while driving is evident. You can smell it on a rural road when a car drives by doing 50mph. Users will also smoke it in town with their kids present while waiting outside for a pizza. No observed police reaction to any of this is evident from monitoring police frequencies. The state legalized recreational possession and use in recent years and it is getting harder to go anywhere without smelling it in the air.

    The Ukraine flags are getting less common

    Kungflu cases seem to be up, but there is no indication that this strain is any worse than the previous one. Some voluntary mask usage is increasing among the usual suspects. Over all the vibe in society seems to be that no one is going to go along with masking nonsense this time or get any more shots.

    The cancer and heart attack rate among acquaintances is going up. Those with heart issues seem to be too young and otherwise healthy for heart problems. Cancer cases are more common in older persons. All the persons affected that I know personally are vaxxed. Local obituary watch also continues to feature high numbers of people dying well below previously normal life expectancy ages, though particulars are unkwn.

    It is almost impossible to get any kind of professional skilled trade work done on short notice. Seems to be across all skilled trades, but auto mechanics seem to be the most impacted.

    • Patriotman September 28, 2023 at 07:48

      Great report! Many thanks!

  7. Relic-13 September 27, 2023 at 20:27

    27 September 2023
    General Location: Southern New York

    Food Price / Shortages:  Prices elevated in general. Chicken, in general, in short supply. Split breasts very short or not available. Decreased stock of beef in general.

    Fuel Prices / Shortages: No shortages. Regular is $3.39 – $3.95 ; diesel is $4.55-$5.19

    Unusual Military Movement: Nothing of note.

    Civil Unrest / Crime:  All crime increasing. “Handle surfers” hitting neighborhoods in waves, stealing from unlocked cars. Increased “shot spotter” reports. Increased numbers of homeless around shopping centers and residential areas. Many are aggressively pan-handling. Traffic rules going out the window.
    Interesting Local News / Events: Increased local community anger & push back on local housing of “migrants”. At least 1 minor clash between protestors and police.

    Public Service Interruptions: None so far. Local EMS under increasing strain due to increased call volume and staff shortages. 20 plus mile responses not uncommon. Average ambulance response time 10mins 43seconds, Fire 9mins 23seconds

    Changes in Patterns of Life: Less people are eating out. Smaller shopping cart loads in markets. Increased traffic in “dollar” and discount stores.

    Any additional observations or comments: Generally increased levels of aggressive response to minor incidents. Road rage incidents increasing. Not uncommon to see reckless passing in wrong lane, running of stop lights and signs.

    • Patriotman September 28, 2023 at 07:49

      We’ve seen elevated chicken prices but supply is there for us. Great report!

  8. Charlie September 28, 2023 at 07:27

    I think it would be helpful if everyone followed the format listed below. I think it would be easier to track info across geographical locations. I can make this into a PDF fillable form if you’d like.

    RFI / Weekly SITREP

    Date / Period Covered:

    General Location:

    Food Prices / Shortages:

    Civil Unrest / Crime:

    Interesting Local News / Events:

    Public Service Interruptions:

    Changes in Patterns of Life:

    Any Additional observations or comments:

    • Patriotman September 28, 2023 at 07:51

      Would be great for submission purposes and tracking purposes, but I am not sure if we can embed or attach PDFs in the comments. We will have to test it out. Could also be a thing where the reports are emails and I can compile them into a post once a week. Lemme think on this a bit more.

      Appreciate the offer!

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