Request for Information (RFI) – Weekly SITREP

I am going to make this a weekly post so that we can use this as a place to make any reports on unusual activity or localized hotspots of trouble. We did this a few times during COVID (here, here, here, and here) but I figured that, as our conditions continue to degrade around the country, it would be useful to bring this back as a regularly recurring topic of discussion.

Post your reports in the comments below.


General Location: 

Food Price / Shortages: 

Fuel Prices / Shortages: 

Unusual Military Movement:

Civil Unrest / Crime:

Interesting Local News / Events: 

Public Service Interruptions:

Changes in Patterns of Life: 

Any additional observations or comments: 

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:


  1. mike May 15, 2024 at 15:55

    General Location: Upper New England

    Food Price / Shortages: Elevated/ None

    Fuel Prices / Shortages: Elevated $3.49 Gl Reg /None

    Unusual Military Movement:

    Civil Unrest / Crime:

    Raids on large scale Chicom cannabis grow operations in Maine continue. The county sheriffs and local police now seem to be taking these seriously while the DEA and the DHS offer only token support. As seems to be case each time this happens, No arrests were made despite there typically being one or 2 Chinese crop tenders in residence. There is also no indication that these properties are being seized under drug asset forfeiture laws as was common in the “War on Drugs” era. The owners are usually Chinese nationals living in New York City or Boston. One can only conclude that the authorities do not wish to deal with processing illegal Chinese nationals engaged in felony drug trafficking.

    Interesting Local News / Events: None

    Public Service Interruptions: None

    Changes in Patterns of Life: Small towns in this region are dealing with mining industry pressure to exploit known deposits of Lithium and other minerals useful for the “green” energy psyop.

    Any additional observations or comments: None

  2. Samuel Culper May 16, 2024 at 01:04

    REPORT DATE: 2024-05-16 Thursday

    General Location:  Greensboro, NC (Triad Area)

    Food Price / Shortages:  No shortages to report. Shelves are mostly stocked and no issues with availability. Food prices, like most other things, keep going up. A pound of 80/20 ground beef at Walmart is $5.29. Luckily other places like Costco and local meat stores still $4.20 to $4.50 per pound. Other food prices keep going up. I do see “discount” food stores like Aldi’s a lot more busy. They also lower prices on some items. Overall, basics like meat, eggs, cereal are still going up.

    Fuel Prices / Shortages:  No shortages to report. Prices seem to go up and down from $3.10 to $3.50 a gallon.

    Unusual Military Movement: Nothing to report. I haven’t noticed much military activity at all.

    Civil Unrest / Crime: Nothing to report. Crime is still around but nothing more than usual. No civil unrest. I haven’t heard of any anti Israel protests. Not saying that they aren’t happening just haven’t been big enough to make the news if they have been happening. At UNC Chapel Hill there were protests and also some counter protests. A group of students at that school protected the American flag.

    Interesting Local News / Events: A few weeks ago a student at a Lexington, Davidson County, NC high school was suspended for asking a teacher to define an assignment and said the term illegal alien. A few weeks later the mother of the suspended student addressed the school board about what has happened to her since her sons incident. Her past and character was leaked and the small town good ol boy network came into play.

    Public Service Interruptions: Nothing to report.

    Changes in Patterns of Life: The only thing that is a change to my way of life is rising food costs. I am shopping multiple stores for sales and best prices. It is not an issue for me yet, but kind of eye opening. I wonder how bad it will get for the power and people with limited incomes as food prices keep going up.

    Any additional observations or comments: Nothing to report 

  3. sone dude May 16, 2024 at 03:46

    AO: southern greece

    fuel/energy prices: slightly higher, specially gasoline – EUR 2.10-2.40/liter
    diesel, kerosene, and propane about the same .

    shortages: seems that powder for reloading (shotshells only, but people do reload as every penny saved counts) is almost impossible to obtain. nobody has any in stock. all other components , primers, wads, cards, cups, etc, all available.

    other news: local to this AO only, but the local municipal council just decided to raise water rates to _roughly five times_ their current level! This effectively subsidizes the drilling of more wells etc for supplying tourist industry sites with water (tourism in summertime uses 5x the amount of water as actual residents use- in e.g. july there are about 20,000 actual residents here and 60-80 thousand tourists, and theyre filling swimming pools and laundering the whole suite’s linens every few days)..
    our village water source is a well and a spring. the well was dug at least five centuries ago, so the municipal govt certainly had no hand in that. the spring was bought by a group of villagers in a private sale in the 70s and donated to the village, along with private donations that funded the 2 miles or so of pipe to bring the spring water down to the village. then early 2000s the central government just up and abolished all local village government and rolled it all into the municipality, and the municipality just up and declared that the water belonged to them and sends everyone a bill now. out water and its network is not even connected to anything else, but now we’re paying to subsidize the tourists wasting water instead of charging the resort and hotel owners an arm and a leg for using our water!)

    this year is looking like its going to be a pretty bad year for water. last year was marginal and this past winter was very poor. Expect some fights to flare up over this new move.
    About 5 years ago when the municipality drilled a new well on the edge of the uplands, to steal even more water for tourism in the lowlands, after they’d unloaded several miles of plastic pipe but before theyd installed it, protestors set the pipes on fire and damaged hundreds of them. the town council brought in about 30 swat cops from the mainland to put down what had become a round the clock demonstration at the drilling site. you can see why guns are almost completely prohibited here, the govt pushes people around any way they like.

    On that same subject another bit of old news, also about 5 years ago, when the central govt sent a crew of about 100 swat cops to another island to shut down much more organized local resistance to the construction of a humongous housing complex for illegal immigrants, in that case all the local council and mayor were siding with the people, when those cops arrived from the mainland they all stayed of course in some hotel they’d booked in its entirety for the purpose. the first night they were there, citizens stormed the place, catching most of them in bed, and beat the crap out of them with sticks, clubs, crowbars, their bare hands, etc. the govt recalled the cops to the mainland and postponed the project.

  4. Doc B May 16, 2024 at 08:39

    General Location: SW Missouri Ozarks

    Food Price / Shortages: Food prices are in line with earlier comments. As far as shortages go, something happened this last week. The shipment must have been late, as the store was being restocked by a full crew in the middle of the day. And this time a lot of effort was being put into front loading shelves to make them look fuller. Certainly in the “real food” areas, not the processed crap areas

    Fuel Prices / Shortages: Still around 3.50 to 3.80 a gallon for diesel, depending on where ya go

    Unusual Military Movement: This week a three flight of Osprey aircraft, SW to NE at about 2000 ft AGL. First time I’ve ever seen those out here.

    Civil Unrest / Crime: Nothing outside of baseline here.

    Interesting Local News / Events: the Aurora Borealias was visible for about three hours last Friday night. Not just colors, but actual moving lines too.

    Public Service Interruptions: The local fire department has apparently all quit except for one. Not sure why. It sounds like I’ll be back in turnouts before long. As long as I don’t have to take a shot. If I do, fuck ’em, let it burn.

    Changes in Patterns of Life: None

    Any additional observations or comments: None

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