Request for Information (RFI) – Weekly SITREP

I am going to make this a weekly post so that we can use this as a place to make any reports on unusual activity or localized hotspots of trouble. We did this a few times during COVID (here, here, here, and here) but I figured that, as our conditions continue to degrade around the country, it would be useful to bring this back as a regularly recurring topic of discussion.

Post your reports in the comments below.


General Location: New Jersey

Food Price / Shortages: 

Fuel Prices / Shortages: 

Unusual Military Movement:

Civil Unrest / Crime:

Interesting Local News / Events: 

Public Service Interruptions:

Changes in Patterns of Life: 

Any additional observations or comments: 

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:


  1. Johnny Paratrooper April 10, 2024 at 09:20

    General Location: Maryland

    Food Price / Shortages: Normalized prices / No Shortages

    Fuel Prices / Shortages: $3.60 or so for Regular.

    Unusual Military Movement: Port of Baltimore is Blocked

    Civil Unrest / Crime: Recently passed laws for harsher sentences for Juveniles.

    Interesting Local News / Events: new laws regarding juveniles.

    Public Service Interruptions: none.

    Changes in Patterns of Life: Bars and Club Scenes are DEAD. It’s 90% Yuppie dudes and some millennial guys.

    Any additional observations or comments:

    I believe the pursuit of hyper-cringe clickbait headline lifestyles has radically changed the perception of seeking face to face interaction including the other known dilemmas of social media.

    As in, it’s a contest you can’t win, and the people will adjust their social media to express themselves as they want to be perceived.

    Not as they are.

    The Apple River Stabbing incident is an excellent example.

    13 teenage and early 20’s people accused a perfectly normal guy of being a pedophile just because he was looking for his phone in the water.

    They then proceeded to surround him, almost drown him after pushing him around.

    They pursued him.
    And he drew a knife.

    They continued to harass him.

    He ended up stabbing 5 people.

    The primary instigator can be heard saying “I can’t believe this is happening, I can’t believe this is real”

    As his dying friend is gutted in the water bleeding out (Literally gutted)

    Remember, these are young people, covered in tattoos looking like young meth heads who have been drinking in the sun all day.

    Yet, not a single one said out loud,to stop or asked they are we jumping this guy.

    Every single one of them pretended he was a pedophile, and proceeded to jump him.

    The physical violence was started by a young girl. Maybe 19-20?

    This exact scene occurred weekly when I was a bouncer.

    No knives were drawn though when I was working.

    This 20 something year old girl really thought she could accuse this guy of being a pedophile and her friends were allowed to jump him.

    4 simps and one girl were stabbed as a result.

    Read the comments on every single video on YouTube.

    It’s wild!

  2. mike April 10, 2024 at 10:13

    General Location: Upper New England

    Food Price / Shortages:

    Elevated/none recent multi-day power outage puts many existing retail food stocks in question for spoilage. The local food stores are refusing to answer they question about whether they lost power or not. The best policy is to avoid any sudden sale items of meat/fish/poultry.

    Fuel Prices / Shortages:

    Unstable prices of late. Reg is $3.29 Gal. Heating oil and firewood are up considerably.

    Unusual Military Movement: Normal long haul air traffic to and from Europe. Nothing as extensive as last Fall.

    Civil Unrest / Crime:

    Well known Communist Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont had his office in Burlington firebombed during office hours by an inept attacker. Sprinklers put out the fire without damage. Suspect likely a disgruntled Commie upset that Sanders had been critical of the Gaza War. This issue has split the Left as much as it has the Right in this country.

    The police radio traffic in my county is now running at about 50% for the amount of MV stops of someone with an expired registration.

    Interesting Local News / Events:

    Anti militia training law has been passed by the Maine House. It will likely be signed if it reaches the Governor.

    There is an interesting story about a metro NYC (suburban) official proposing the establishment of a citizen reserve sheriff unit that can be called into service during emergencies. He is taking a lot of heat for this from city Communists who are calling it a proposal to form a “militia”.

    Public Service Interruptions:
    Late season storm last Thursday dropped up to 20 inches of snow in the mountains and even 8 along the coast. Power was out for several hundred thousand households for a few days and some were only restored in the last day or so.
    The heavy traffic into and out of the northern wilderness to view the eclipse did not cause any major problems.

    Changes in Patterns of Life: None

    Any additional observations or comments: None

  3. Blaq as fuq April 10, 2024 at 11:55

    updated: march 25 through april 8.
    2 central ohio grain elevators [marysville and kenton branches ] were hacked and shut down for 2 weeks , by a nation state actor.the folks in the pits were saying: the FBI was in ohio investigating the 2 largest volume grain legs hack. our local 1, had 12+ computers ripped out and replaced. yesterday they finally got moving at a limp, doing stuff by hand and paper. they mentioned they were told about a month ago, strange emails would end up in employees mail boxes and were told not to use them at all. no ransom to regain the computer controls , was ever given. both these legs primarilly ship by rail and alot of cars. last train load out . they had 97 cars and 3 came back full, that were supposed to be empty. [maybe the rail line computers are getting hit also, cars that say they were emptied weren’t?]

    dont be picking up usb drives found on the ground outside near your car , or sharing phone chargers , when you get emails, dont klick on links , verify the name on the email and the address of the email, feel the same, dont be putting your resume on linkedin to be become a exploitable target. . air gap your farm records from financial and social crap. talk to your company and make them aware and maybe do a refresher ,of dont be stupid.

  4. just some dude April 11, 2024 at 03:23

    AO: southern greece

    fuel/energy prices: ticked up a bit in the past couple weeks. gasoline EUR 2.05-2.40/liter , diesel 1.80-1.95/liter, refilling a 15-kilo propane bottle cost 33 eur (almost exactly a buck a pound), which from rough memory cost 30 sometime in the fall the last time a bottle was taken to town to refill.

    food prices/general inflation: most things feel just a tad more expensive. just nickels and dimes but thats several percent since the year began. availability seems about as usual. we don’t usually buy much in the way of packaged or factory foods outside of bulk items like pasta or flour, but smaller items like tomato paste (we can some tomatoes if we have them but so far they’ve not lasted a whole winter yet) or marmalades (ditto, we make our own but they arent yet enough to cover the whole year) , or things like nuts and raisins, are a small bit more expensive it seems every other time we go to town. oddly things like baby diapers remain about the same price they were when we started buying them a year and a few months ago.

    general observations:
    In much of the country it has been a poor winter and will be a very dry year. weather in this part of the world is highly variable year to year, in the span of a decade youll see annual rainfall range 3-4x between the wettest and driest years. 2 years ago we had snowfalls lasting a week or two several times with foot deep snow on the ground the whole time (it kept coming down and it kept melting as temps never get much below zero this close to the sea). that summer we had wells and water galleries (kind of like a horizontal well in the mountainside) running freely all through the summer and some of them overflowing the whole year. Last winter and this winter though have been mediocre and wells are already low. ordinarily the majority of produce and fruits etc used down here are grown within a 5 mile radius and everything that isn’t really local is still from within a 200 mile or so radius (100 miles of that is sea). but in a bad year it does not look like we will have water for gardening, at our altitude the water is already draining down to lower levels and only maybe in the lowlands will there remain water for irrigation through the summer.
    we expect prices to be high and all the locals who made a few trades or a few bucks with some surplus to feel a squeeze this summer. last really bad year like this was ’17-18.

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