Report on the Minneapolis Riots

Most rioters are black, but some are white. The whites who were interviewed positioned themselves as what I would describe pejoratively as "pets" of the black social justice warriors (SJW). Well, I saw one pet wear out his welcome among his black "friends", and he had a pipe taken to the side of his head. He hit to ground and I didn't see him moving again.

By |2020-05-29T22:27:08-04:00May 29, 2020|Grey Man, News and Links|8 Comments

Building your ACE/Fusion Center

In order to coordinate and analyze the information coming in, you'll do yourself a favor to set up what is called an all-source collection element (ACE). You could also refer to it as your "fusion" center, seeing as you should be able to fuse together and analyze all of the intelligence you collect and compile it into useful products to drive your activities.

By |2019-11-26T06:00:59-05:00November 26, 2019|Grey Man, Intelligence|5 Comments

Ebola: Bad to Worse

A physician treating Ebola patients in the Congo has been brought back to the US for quarantine. But what's worse is that the government of the Congo is using the outbreak as a political weapon- while publicly denouncing Western intervention.

By |2018-12-30T18:00:08-05:00December 30, 2018|NC Scout, News and Links|4 Comments


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