My dystopian dream

I had a dream last night. I was standing at a gas pump hearing that damned Orwellian "telescreen". It's not looking back at us quite yet, but then again, all you have to do is look up, left and then right to see three cameras pointed right at you. So what is the difference? Back to my dream. Listening to the news or some other such blather, I look up and notice a big red-colored billboard. It has a close-up of a young tan woman wearing a mask over her nose and mouth. The message in plain script says "Do the right thing, stay home!"

By |2020-05-03T06:00:42-04:00May 3, 2020|Culture, Grey Man, Medical, Opinion, Philosophy|6 Comments

Observations from my travels

Businesses through all of those states shutting down in chunks as daily updates and dictates come down from their respective state governments. Some businesses in Tennessee were remaining open due to a normally low amount of foot traffic, and at least a couple told me they'd remain open until they were forced to close.

By |2020-03-22T06:00:06-04:00March 22, 2020|Grey Man, Medical|12 Comments

Coronavirus update

Now imagine your local Walmart or Publix or H.E.B. is a cruise ship. It might as well be. You may not spend as long in there as you would on a ship, but more people are coming through there. This will be the location of transmission for a lot of people who get infected. Shopping cart handles and check-out lines. You will need to greatly limit your trips into town for food and supplies.

By |2020-02-23T05:00:17-05:00February 23, 2020|Grey Man, Medical, News and Links|2 Comments

News and analysis on Coronavirus

As of February 4th, China is reporting almost 21,000 cases with about 430 dead. This increase in both infected and dead is a significant increase in just a few days. The CDC is now reporting 27 countries with confirmed nCoV cases. As of right now, all of the deaths from nCoV have occurred in China, except for one that occurred in the Philippines. As of February 3, there are 11 cases in the United States, those cases being in California (6), Illinois (2), Arizona (1), Massachusetts (1) and Washington (1).

By |2020-02-06T05:00:25-05:00February 6, 2020|Grey Man, Medical, News and Links|15 Comments

The Fire Rises.

In America today we certainly see signs of a pitched increase in societal friction, and finally we are seeing some signs of life on our side, whatever it is we are calling ourselves this week. The left has impeached Trump in the US House, but it appears he will not be convicted by the Senate and is going to remain in office and use the impeachment as a springboard to rally his supporters and those who oppose the left.

By |2020-01-02T06:00:33-05:00January 2, 2020|Grey Man, News and Links, Opinion|3 Comments

The Novelty of Placing our Active Duty Military on our Actual Border.

The US military is currently deploying hundreds of thousands of our young men and women to secure hundreds (if not thousands) of embassies, compounds, bases, forts, FOBs, outposts and camps throughout the world. What would be the square mileage of those areas we currently secure around the globe? I believe that by bringing some of those troops back here and placing them along our 2,000 mile border with Mexico, and putting them there on a combat footing rather than a paper pushing "advise and assist" role, our border crossing could be cut drastically. We are currently rotating the US Army brigades and divisions through combat deployments to Afghanistan (18 years later still). What if we rotated them through combat deployments on our border instead? Same guys, same weapons, same equipment, slightly different mission. We have to keep the cartels off of our border.

By |2019-11-14T06:00:27-05:00November 14, 2019|Grey Man, Opinion|11 Comments


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